This may be the end of the Disruptive Innovations in Technology course but it is only the beginning of my commitment to innovate in my field of education.
As one who has never been short of ideas (good ones and bad ones) I have appreciated the methodical approach this course has provided me. Usually, when I have ideas I get quite a bit of the idea fleshed out in about two pages with a few visuals and graphics. I submitted an idea last year for changing the focus of our digital learning professional development courses. It was well received, but I see it lacked a clear system for implementation, supporting media, and most importantly research. If I would have had all these pieces (supporting research, implementation outline, and media that engages) when I submitted that idea I think it would have been implemented. When I was working on the literature review, I discovered that there is a critical need for quality professional development when it comes to blended learning. I think this is in large part to the role of the blended learning instructor. It varies from that of the traditional instructor. This is best represented in the visual by The New Teacher Project in a working paper called, Reimagining Teaching in a Blended Classroom, as shown below.
As one who has never been short of ideas (good ones and bad ones) I have appreciated the methodical approach this course has provided me. Usually, when I have ideas I get quite a bit of the idea fleshed out in about two pages with a few visuals and graphics. I submitted an idea last year for changing the focus of our digital learning professional development courses. It was well received, but I see it lacked a clear system for implementation, supporting media, and most importantly research. If I would have had all these pieces (supporting research, implementation outline, and media that engages) when I submitted that idea I think it would have been implemented. When I was working on the literature review, I discovered that there is a critical need for quality professional development when it comes to blended learning. I think this is in large part to the role of the blended learning instructor. It varies from that of the traditional instructor. This is best represented in the visual by The New Teacher Project in a working paper called, Reimagining Teaching in a Blended Classroom, as shown below.
One of my biggest takeaways for the course was about creating a sense of urgency. This is really important in making sure the change actually happens- especially when you are not the boss and can't mandate others to change. This is also important so that we continue to adapt and adjust to what's best for our students. In my department, we do our best stay on top of emerging trends and that's why I believe it's really only the beginning.
For example, this fall, I look forward to submitting this plan to my director and to the director of teacher development. I would also like to have a formal meeting time to discuss my literature review, innovation plan, implementation outline, and media. I am currently reading the book, The Influencer, and I want to apply the 6 sources of influence in advance to help them see the vision, join the team and to create the sense of urgency for change. I will reference our most recent Educational Technology Plan with it's recommendations as added support for this innovative professional learning experience.
In preparing for the innovation I developed for this course, I've drafted several other ideas that I would love to see implemented in our district. I would even like to see a new position in our district for one of the positions I've seen in the research, Blended Learning Manager or Coordinator. I think this position could work with both the Digital Learning Department, Curriculum Department, and the Teacher Development department. Some school districts also have roles called Director of Innovation and I think I could see myself in a position like that. Our teacher development department is new so maybe they would be open to establishing a new position that focuses primarily on innovations in education. This would allow us to continue researching, piloting new programs or instructional models, and packaging the information together as one solid system. It would help us to become proactive when it comes to change.
For example, this fall, I look forward to submitting this plan to my director and to the director of teacher development. I would also like to have a formal meeting time to discuss my literature review, innovation plan, implementation outline, and media. I am currently reading the book, The Influencer, and I want to apply the 6 sources of influence in advance to help them see the vision, join the team and to create the sense of urgency for change. I will reference our most recent Educational Technology Plan with it's recommendations as added support for this innovative professional learning experience.
In preparing for the innovation I developed for this course, I've drafted several other ideas that I would love to see implemented in our district. I would even like to see a new position in our district for one of the positions I've seen in the research, Blended Learning Manager or Coordinator. I think this position could work with both the Digital Learning Department, Curriculum Department, and the Teacher Development department. Some school districts also have roles called Director of Innovation and I think I could see myself in a position like that. Our teacher development department is new so maybe they would be open to establishing a new position that focuses primarily on innovations in education. This would allow us to continue researching, piloting new programs or instructional models, and packaging the information together as one solid system. It would help us to become proactive when it comes to change.